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Pim & His New Head-collar!

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Look how handsome Pim looks in his new head collar – great color, APAC Red!

Pim was brought to us for 24 hours to be put to sleep by the vet due to neglect and failing health, numerous appointments had been made at the scrap yard where he was being kept but the owner was never available so he was moved to APAC and the appointment made for the vet to arrive and euthanise him the next day.  But lo and behold the day after he arrived he had a transformation and went from deaths door to suddenly having a reason to live, running around the paddock, calling to the other horses, eating and drinking and gave Lois one of those Thank You so much looks the vet was cancelled. Now he is a good weight and lives happily with all of our other rescue horses, is ridden by the pony club kids and loves his best friend Luci. A huge thank you to Julia Colley who brought his problems to our attention and helps sponsor his care every month xx Incredible story, thank you Julia x


